Jovie’s Birth Story
Today is the perfect day to share our birth story because Jovie is exactly 6 weeks old! The last 6 weeks have been a blur. Being a mom to 5 now, all the holidays and the chaos that brings; I haven’t had a second to […]
Today is the perfect day to share our birth story because Jovie is exactly 6 weeks old! The last 6 weeks have been a blur. Being a mom to 5 now, all the holidays and the chaos that brings; I haven’t had a second to […]
Happy new year! 2022 was a really great year for births. I got to attend hospital births again following some strict covid policies, and visit new hospitals and birth centers I hadn’t before. I got to work with a lot of great doctors and midwives […]
It’s hard to say I have a favorite birth experience since all of my births have been positive, empowering, safe and healthy. They all gave me beautiful children that I adore, but if I had to pick. Birdies is my favorite. And it’s a lot […]
Three months ago I underwent emergency surgery for an ectopic rupture repair. I’ve taken the time between then and now to really process it all and how I feel about it. Especially after experiencing a miscarriage almost exactly two years prior. It’s been a lot. […]
Hello! It has been a while since I have posted a blog… about 7 months in fact since I had my third son in September, and since then blogging time just has not been as easy to come by. My goal for 2020 was to […]
Ever since I made the decision to switch from a hospital to a birth center to have my third son, I planned on writing a blog comparing the experiences. The pros and cons of each. How they are different and how they compare. To briefly […]
I re-read Holden and Waylon’s birth stories prior to Ruston being born and saw that I began both of their stories with the start of my maternity leave. This pregnancy is different in many ways: I have two toddlers this go round, it is smack […]
It’s no longer world breastfeeding week, but it is still breastfeeding awareness month. I intended to just make this an Instagram post, but it was just too long. As I get closer to starting my breastfeeding journey over again for the third time after non […]
A while back I shared a picture on Instagram of an info graphic that stated these examples of breastfeeding issues are commonly mistaken for, but NOT actually indicators of low milk supply. For fear of stealing someone else’s work I will just tell you what […]
One of the most controversial topics in motherhood lately seems to be circumcision. I have hesitated to write about this for a long time. In fact, I have said before that it would be a topic (along with vaccinations) that I would never touch on. […]