13 Baby Products You Do Need and 6 That You Don’t

As I’m pushing a year of motherhood and leaving behind the baby days and moving into the toddler phase I realize that I’ve tried my share of baby products. I love reading reviews, watching YouTube recommendations and browsing baby sections in stores. But I often find shopping for baby products overwhelming and stressful because I’m always paranoid I’m spending my money on the wrong thing or the wrong brand. I never really cared about products until I was pregnant and spending upwards of 200 on some items alone just about fried my brain. What I learned is that most of it is not exactly necessary and some of my favorite things were actually the most simple things. Heres my list of my 13 favorite baby products that I think you need, and 6 things I ended up not liking at all or realizing that they weren’t exactly needed. Obviously there are way more than 13 baby products you will need, but I tried to narrow my list down to the things I was happiest to have, and/or didn’t know about as I created a baby registry.

13 of My Favorite Baby Products/Items


Wrap or Sling for Baby Wearing:

As far as things that you do need goes, a wrap for baby wearing is my number 1. I absolutely loved baby wearing when Holden was small. It was convenient, easy, calming and great for bonding. I’d baby wear while shopping which kept strange hands away, while freeing up mine to get things done. It’s a miracle. I love my solly wrap, but now that Holden is bigger we use our ring sling and ergo baby more. I’d recommend all three!


Whether you’re breastfeeding, exclusively pumping, being a stay at home mom or returning to work- you need a breast pump. My pump is the only reason I’ve been able to breastfeed this long (11 months strong!) Whether you’re pumping to relieve oversupply, to stock up, or have some for a date night a good pump is nice to always have on hand. I love my Medela! But you can read more about my pumping must haves in a post I wrote here.

Infant Car Seat/ Travel System and Extra Bases: 

Some recommend starting your baby out in a convertible car seat as opposed to an infant seat. In my opinion there’s no need to upgrade right away. Yes; it’s cost effective, but there are some drawbacks that make me love my infant seat. First of love being able to take it in and out of the car for various reasons, it can attach to strollers, you can take them from the car without waking them and you can easily transfer it to another by having multiple bases. To me, car seats are one of the most stressful things when it comes to parenting. I’m never confident I’ve done it correctly despite my research but I am sure about one thing: I love my infant car seat. We are just now moving Holden into his convertible seat, and I will be sad to no longer be able to carry his sleeping self inside while in the car seat. I used the Graco Click Connect 40.

Backpack Diaper Bag:

Until recently I used a tote diaper bag. It was functional, from target and cheap in comparison to ones I saw online. On my registry it went. I quickly wished I would have gone for a backpack instead though. My tote would fall off my shoulder and fall onto if Holden in the car seat and just make transferring from a car to anywhere difficult. The final straw for me was a plane ride at 7 months. Navigating the airport with a back pack diaper bag would have made my time much easier and less stressful. I now use my Cipu diaper bag that is amazingly functional, light weight, full of pockets, and adorable.


I didn’t know how much I needed a pod, until I got my pod. Anytime I needed to set Holden down he went in the pod. We traveled with it, he’d nap in it and when he grew out of it I almost cried. They’re a little pricey but to me it was worth every penny. As I was putting this post together I realized that many of our pictures of Holden also feature the pod, which is probably because it was my go to place to put him down when I needed to use my hands. Our’s is by Leachco and you can get it here!

Nose Frida, Little Remedies Saline Spray, and Boogie Wipes:

I know the picture looks weird, but you are not sucking your babies snot into your mouth. There is a filter that prevents that and it’s the only product that actually works. Forget the bulbs and get a nose frida. I use it with boogie wipes, little remodeled saline spray and a humidifier for those perky stuffy noses.

Teething or Nursing Necklace: 

I thought this was a silly idea until I started using one and realized that Holden loves it. I wear it while nursing or just out and about, and he chews on it or pulls on it to work as a distraction. If you’re unaware of the craziness that is a scratching flipping hair pulling nursing little, than I envy you. Some that I love are linked for you here, by Fox and Finn.


Simple yet incredible concept. A stuffed animal on the end of a Soothie pacifier. We literally cannot leave the house without it and I’m excited for Christmas ones soon! But sadly Holden isn’t as interested in them lately and throws them aside. It was good while it lasted, and some babies/toddlers love pacis for a long time. The giraffe is linked here!

Play Mat or Play Yard:

Holden loved his play mat for the first 3 months of life. He would just lay and kick ferociously, babbling to himself and observing things around him. Once he started to roll it was game over, but babies need tummy time, love the music and lights. We ended up getting the songs it would play stuck in out heads and I’d catch myself humming them randomly. Our is by Fisher Price and you can see it here!


Our swing was a life saver for the first 6-7 months. We have the Graco Simple Sway, and I don’t know what I would have done without it. Sometimes this was the only was I got a nap out of Holden without holding him, which meant free hands or a solo nap for myself, which is priceless. Once Holden started climbing into the swing and rocking it himself, I decided it was time for it to go into storage and wait for it’s next baby to swing, but it was nice while it lasted. I’m considering the 4moms Mommaroo too, so if you’re a fan let me know what you think!

Velcro Swaddles: 

These were perfect for the moms like me who can’t make a swaddle stay, and for babies who wake so easily because of that darn startle reflex. I used these nightly as I struggled to work out a sleep routine and I couldn’t do it without them. I especially love Sleep Sacks. They only wrap around the arms and don’t do the legs which is good because that can damage their hips, but stop swaddling once they can roll. Otherwise they could roll to their stomach and get stuck face down. Holden doesn’t look too happy in the only picture I could find of him swaddled, but they really were a life saver during the tough early weeks, and he wasn’t as miserable as he may appear. Just nurse, wrap, pop in a paci and rock to sleep.

Zipper Sleepers: 

Nothing began to irritate me more than buttoning a million buttons up a wiggling baby’s legs. Zippers or bust for me, but if they also have footies and built on mittens then my day is made! Currently searching for the perfect trifecta of the zipper sleeper with footies and mittens!


I got so many bibs as baby shower gifts. I thought surely I won’t be able to use all of these bibs. I was wrong. I love bibs. I used them for drooling, for eating, for drinking milk. I loved bibs with velcro, with snaps, and with little pockets that catch dropped food. You can have too many blankets, onesies, and pairs of socks, but I am not sure that you can have enough bibs. Also, shout out to my absolute favorite sippy cups, Nuk Learner Cups (pictured above) and Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair!

6 Baby Products You Don’t Need

Diaper Pail/Genie:

The first baby item that is completely unnecessary is a diaper pail, specifically a Diaper Genie is what I got. I thought this was an essential, put it on my registry and was ready to dump those diapers. I quickly decided that I hate the Diaper Genie. Its a glorified trash can. The first problem was that they require a special trash bag that you have to instal. For some reason this was complicated to me and got on my nerves in about 5 seconds. Once Holden was born we ran through the first fill of bags in a matter of a week. Seriously in two to three days the little bag was full and needed to be taken out and it comes out in the shape of a log. A heavy log literally full of crap. I went to target to get more of the trash bag refills and realized they are like 5 dollars. Yes 5 dollars for maybe 5 trash bags that fill up in two days. Not worth it it me. Inevitably the trash would fill up to the top as I’m changing a monster diaper and have no where to put it. After about 3 months of the nonsense I got an 8 dollar trash can with a lid that takes regular trash bags and takes a normal amount of time to fill. My life is simpler and I don’t even notice a smell so it’s just not worth it to me.

Infant Bath Tubs:

Next on the chopping block is a baby bath tub. I registered for one complete with a scale and water thermometer. I was so excited that I got it as a baby gift. I also got a relatively cheap plastic Angelcare Bath for the baby to lay on in the water. I figured I could use both and kept it. When the time came for our first bath I was kind of paranoid about the logistics of bathing a slippery infant. I wanted to film the bath so I made my husband just get in with him and we never went back. I realized co bathing is just easier. This way I’m not on my hands and knees, reaching over at an angle. Just in and I hold him. I would bathe Holden and then nurse him for skin to skin and it was the best calming and soothing thing in the world. I continued to co-bathe until he could sit on his own independently. Bath time quickly turned into a splashing extravaganza and now is more fun for him than bonding for me, but the days were sweet none the less. I did use the cheap plastic one even while co bathing but never the expensive bulky one that didn’t even fit in my tiny garage apartment. I returned it for diapers.

Amber Teething Necklace:

Some people swear by the power of the amber beads. I reluctantly bought an amber teething necklace when I noticed my little one drooling uncontrollably. I made sure it was true, certified, genuine Baltic amber. I made sure it was against his skin for all the waking hours. I still saw a ridiculous amount of drool. I still heard fussy inconsolable tantrums from time to time and I just realized it was more trouble than it was worth. I’d inevitably forget it was on him and have to carefully pull it off of him in his sleep. Nathan refused to put it on him and I would leave the house and realize I had forgotten it again. I’d say if you’re desperate it may be worth a shot, but I’d save the money and try a different fad. I still put it on my son just in case it does work, and I bought it, so we might as well use it. Am I right?

(Some tasty blackberry, banana, oatmeal puree.)

Fancy Baby Food Blenders:

I don’t have one of these, but I’m glad I didn’t buy one. I have made all of Holden’s baby food, so I have some experience with how it goes now. Making your baby food homemade is easy, cheap and I highly recommend it, but all you need is your regular blender. I have a Nutri-ninja and a food chopper by cuisine art that has a puree option. Either of those will get the job done just as well and save you your money. If I had money to spare I might have gotten a baby bullet because it seems fun, but I don’t, so I didn’t and we’re not missing out.

(Here is the crib that Holden refuses to sleep in.)


I know I rattle some cages when I tell people that Holden sleeps with me in my bed. He has for the full night for at least 8 months now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Save me your lecture. I started out thinking this kid was going in his side sleeper and we would co-sleep and then transition to his crib at 6 months. Holden never slept in the co-sleeper or crib once. Ever. I also had a nest, rock n play and pack n play that he has refused to sleep in. I’d hold out on buying multiple sleep options until you get a feel of what’s working for your child. There’s isn’t one right way to do sleeping. And if bed sharing works for you, go for it. If you’d like to read more about how I bed-share you can do so here, Why I Stopped Hiding My Bed-Sharing Habit.

Newborn Clothing and Baby Shoes:

I’m not saying newborn clothing is unnecessary, but I wouldn’t stock up on this size. My son could only fit in nb sized clothes for 2-3 weeks and then we were in 0-3 months for a whopping 1.5 months before we went to 2-6 months. Newborn clothes are the cutest because they’re so tiny but they’re just not realistic for a lot of babies. The same goes for shoes. If they’re not walking it doesn’t make sense to buy many pairs of shoes that will just fall off or get lost. I understand the urge to buy precious itty bitty shoes, but unless you’re dealing with super cold temperatures, socks are enough for infants. I have about 6 pairs of infant shoes that are completely unworn.

There are also a few things that I didn’t get, but wish I had. That list includes:

  • A DockATot- I know I said I got too many bed like things, but I wish I had just gotten this instead. It is going on my list for future babies. Check them out at DockAtot.com
  • A Fancy Travel System- I did have a stroller and connecting car seat, but it had been used and wasn’t black and trendy like so many moms have now. I’m kind of glad I didn’t splurge though because I will just splurge on a double stroller eventually and a single stroller won’t be needed then.
  • A Glider- I didn’t have a nursery for Holden and not much room in our apartment. I would have loved a nice comfortable glider, so you can bet I’ll be getting one the next go round.

If you’re in the process of making baby purchases or creating a baby registry, hopefully you found this list helpful and insightful. Share what your favorite baby products are in the comments below!