What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag (and what you don’t really need)

Packing your hospital bag is one of the most exciting, but intimidating parts of preparing for the arrival of a new baby. If you’re a first time mom, it is really hard to know how to pack, and you may feel unsure about what a hospital stay will entail, what they have a what you should bring of your own. I’ve avoided this blog for a long time because you can scroll through Pinterest and find literally thousands on this very topic and none are that original (hair ties, chapstick, and hard candy.)

I can’t promise you that this list will be that unique, but I can promise to cover all the bases of what the hospital provides, what you are responsible for, and what isn’t really needed.


  1. Comfortable clothes

While at the hospital, nurses will offer you hospital gowns to wear. It is my personal preference to wear my own clothes. I packed a big flowy night gown for labor and a sports bra underneath, so I wasn’t laboring completely naked. However, if you want to labor completely naked you are fully allowed to do so. As I got prepared to move into my postpartum room I cleaned off a bit, put on pajamas and pretty much stayed in a variety of pajama pants, nursing tanks, and nursing night gowns with robes. There is no need to get actually dressed. Make your comfort a priority, you are not Kate Middleton leaving the hospital with paparazzi to greet you. You don’t need a fancy going home outfit, but you may enjoy cute comfortable clothes that make the entire experience more enjoyable.

My personal favorites are anything Gilligan O’Malley from Target. They have night gowns, pants, shorts, little hoodies. All of which make up my postpartum uniform.

I also LOVED my matching set of a postpartum nightgown, robe and gownie for Waylon that I had from Baby Be Mine.

2. Electronics

I brought my camera, phone, and ipad, as well as the chargers needed for each. I also would recommend an extension chord because electrical outlets are not always in close proximity to the hospital bed.

3. Typical Toiletries

If you use a particular product everyday then you may want to have that packed. I did shower at the hospital, but not a shave my legs and deep condition my hair shower. This shower was cold because I couldn’t adjust the water, I didn’t want to stick my hair in the water and sit with wet hair in my hospital room while I had the shakes. I was tired, so I rinsed with soap and got out. Some women really love having make-up of getting their hair fixed, so you do you, and have what makes you comfortable.

4. Glasses if you wear contacts

If you end up needing a cesarean you will be asked to remove your contacts. (At least that was my hospital’s policy) I would have hated to be blind during my son’s birth had I needed that, so bring your glasses.

5. Comfort measures

I always brought my own blanket and pillow. I have heard many moms love their own towel. I have no memory of hospital towels, but I wouldn’t have bothered to bring one of my own.

6. Items for labor

If you know some things would be helpful for you during labor, but aren’t provided by your hospital – pack those too. A yoga ball, rabozo, essential oil diffuser, a fan. I brought my yoga ball just to be safe, but never ended up laboring on it. If you have a doula she will take care of this department.

7. Nipple cream

Breastfeeding can get uncomfortable before you even leave the hospital. Nipple cream will help, but lactation consultants will help even more, so get help, as much help as you need while help is available. Your milk won’t come in until you are at home typically, so there won’t be a need for much else.

For Baby:

You may be tempted to pack an entire bag full of goodies for baby, but they really do not need very much.

  1. Several changes of comfortable clothes

Maybe some gownies, or zipper pajamas, Mother Baby Bond has some really cool magnetic onesies. You should opt for skin to skin as much as possible for the first few weeks, so while in the hospital baby really doesn’t need to be clothed often. Just lay with baby on your bare chest with a blanket over the both of you and everything will be perfect. I had a special outfit for each boy to wear home too, but remember to be mindful of their umbilical chord stump when dressing them to go home.

2. You car seat.

They won’t let you leave without it obviously.

3. Picture props or Keepsakes

If you have a word board, little signs, personalized clothing, or swaddles, you may want to bring that for first photos. The hospital will also send a photographer around to the rooms and offer a photo service. They are often times expensive, but I can’t say no to them. I have also always brought my baby books to put some of their information in while at the hospital.

4. Mittens

Both of my boys came out with long nails and a tendency to grab their face and leave big scratches. I am always too nervous to cut their nails, so I just put mittens on them and call it a day in the hospital.

What you DON’T Need:

  • Pads (the hospital has huge packs they give you)
  • Peri Bottles
  • Non slip socks
  • Mesh Panties
  • Cleansing wipes
  • Dermoplast (or a generic brand)
  • Diapers
  • Water bottles
  • Bras (they’re uncomfortable and not needed- breastfeed often and wear a tank)

The hospital has an entire tub full of any postpartum need you may have. They will give you pain medication or a stool softener. They will provide all of babies needs except for the carseat and breastmilk.

After two babies I have no fancy recommendations. I am pretty low maintenance and to be honest am not sure I will ever chose a hospital birth again. The stay feels long and uncomfortable, and you really don’t get the rest you would if you were at home, so make comfort you main priority. If you use a certain something everyday then I would say it is worth packing.

I made a video for my channel covering everything that I packed in my hospital bag! Check it out here:
