8 Must Haves for Pumping at Work

Pumping Mommas!! I am here for it. For all of it! Whether you pump exclusively, pump at work, or pump on occasion, there is a laundry list of things you could possibly need. I made that list in my blog post Pumping Must Haves. But this is my second go round with pumping at work and I’ve narrowed it down (again) to the be basics. Yes I may like to have those delicious smelling nipple wipes, but the truth is I don’t use them everyday and I’ve actually added some stuff to my pumping must haves list because I’ve become enlightened to the pumping bra and am amazed I made it to year of pumping without one. Seriously, what was wrong with me? So, I’ve redone my list now after a month of pumping and am here to lay out what you need, what you may want and what you don’t need at all.

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Duh, you need a pump. I love my Medela pump-in-style, but I’ve heard wonderful things about Spectras too. I may invest in a spectra one of these days to compare, but my Medela has never let me down. I didn’t do any research on pumps beforehand because I got it for free with my insurance and I took what I got. Get yours through your insurance here:

Pumping Bag

I made my life a little crazier by having a work bag and a pumping bag. This time I decided to get a pumping bag with a special compartment for my pump as well as space for everything else. I wore out my other bags dragging all my stuff around, so this bag is a game changer. Yes I may look like I’m traveling across county each day but the bag is worth it. I have a Kaylaa, and love it.

Extra Pump Parts

Just like anything your pump parts can get worn out and need to be replaced. If you notice a dip in supply maybe check your parts to see if they are in need of replacement. If you pump long enough eventually you will forget a pump part or two and you will be thankful to have spare parts on hand.

Hands Free Pumping Bras

GAME CHANGER! I put off buying pumping bras because they are expensive. But decided to just try them and see. I got my Ollie Gray bras to go back to work and I cannot imagine life without them. Now that I have my hands free, I can pump both boobs at the same time, and can pump in my car on the way home! They are also super pretty, supportive and basically just perfect. Pumping bras, nursing bras, even a good sports bra. I seriously can’t stop raving about them and want them in ever print and color now.

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If you don’t have a plug in your car for your pump, get yourself a converter. I pump as I drive to and from work now which saves me 30ish minutes of time! It’s amazing! I bought it originally for road trips, but now that I have a pumping bra I can pump hands free on the road and it’s just perfection. I would say sorry for my messy car, but I am not. I do not have time to clean and I make no apologies anymore.

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Cooler, Pumparoo

Sarah Wells came out with limited edition pumparoos (seen above) and cold gold coolers for world breastfeeding week. I had to get them! And I’m so glad I did! The cooler fits double the amount of milk, comes with an ice pack and its pretty! I put my pump parts in my pumparoo to keep them away from other things in my work fridge. It also has a mat to lay out and use as a drying mat for wet pump parts.

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A Cover

if you’re pumping in a shared space, or an open space you may want a pumping cover. I typically do not use a cover to breastfeed, but I do like that have a cover on hand for various situations. Recently I went to a week of new hire orientation for my new job. I had to share a pumping room with another pumping mom, so I preferred to use my cover while we shared the room. I also attended a faculty lunch at a restaurant who refused to provide me a pumping room or space. I normally would have set up camp in a corner no questions asked and told them to come at me if they had a problem. But since I was with literally all of my new coworkers I did not exactly feel like being confrontational or controversial. My principal ended up guarding me as I pumped in the corner of the hallway and she will forever have a place in my heart for that. I also had a male co-worker offer to let me use his truck to pump because he knew his wife did that sometimes since I rode the bus and didn’t have my own car or converter with me. Coworkers come through big time and it meant the world to me.

At my previous job I pumped out in the open due to lack of a designated space. I pumped behind a bookshelf and had a cover to make sure no students in the nurses office saw me. I do not use this everyday but I do use it from time to time, and it comes in handy.

If you’re about to begin the working and pumping journey you may be interested in my post, How to Make Pumping at Work Work: 8 Things to know about pumping at work.

It is not easy, but I keep going for many reasons. Firstly, breastmilk is nature’s perfect food for my baby. I want him to get as much of it as possible. I have great supply. I have rights to ensure I’m able to pump, so why wouldn’t I take advantage of that?

Secondly, I have endless guilt about being a working mom. Giving my baby breastmilk makes me feel better as I get through each work day. If I can’t be there, at least my milk can be. I can nourish both of my sons while I’m at work and that helps. I am also able to donate and I won’t lie that it makes me feel like super woman when I drop off bags of my frozen liquid gold.

Thirdly, breastmilk is free. I am saving hundreds if not thousands of dollars by pumping at work, which helps my family financially. I can’t afford formula even though it would be easier for me as I struggle to cram time to pump into my already busy day. It would be easier for me in so many ways, but giving my boys breastmilk is more important to me than my convenience.

It’s hard work momma, and many won’t understand the sacrifice, but keep it up! You’re doing a great job!