8 Must Haves for the 4th Trimester: Everything you need for postpartum recovery!

Hey postpartum Mommas and Mommas-to-be! I’m pushing 3 months postpartum and feel 100% myself, (aside from the baby brain) so I feel like I’m actually leaving the 4th trimester behind! I did not make this quick of a recovery with Holden. I wrote all about my postpartum experience with him here, Bouncing Back is A Load of Crap and had made a list of must have then, that you can read here, Postpartum Must Haves, but now that I am reviewing it- I don’t think it’s the best list. It’s more of an everything you may want list as opposed to a must have list. I rarely used my breastfeeding pillow with Waylon, have left every mom group on Facebook, and have found a few different things helpful this go round that I never had before. So, here is my updated postpartum/4th trimester must haves list that I stand by 100%!

1. Motherlove Sitz Bath Spray:

To me this is the smell of postpartum! There is just something about it that is soothing. The second I sprayed it for the first time it took me right back to the first change home with Holden. I was so nervous and unsure of what was happening around me and to my body. This time I felt like a pro!

I would spray Motherlove all over each time I changed a pad or used the restroom. I rinse with my peri bottle, and then spray a liberal amount and I healed wonderfully. I had a minor tear with Waylon, but opted out of stitches this time. I was nervous for how I’d heal, but I think this helped tremendously. Within a week I had no pain at all.

2. Earth Mama Herbal Sitz Baths:

In addition to the perineal spray, I took herbal baths with Earth Mama herbs. I’d boil a few in a pot full of water and dump it into my bath. I’d soak in the bath with epson salt, and even did skin to skin with Waylon in the bath with them. I healed quickly and had minimal pain, so I’d recommend these to anyone!

I’ve heard some say you should not bathe, and that may be the case for moms recovery from a c-section or severe tears, but if you have a typical vaginal birth, get yourself in some herbal baths!

3. Placenta Smoothies:

Yes, I know… you can read all about my placenta eating here, I Ate My Placenta, and You Should Too (if you want to), but I will say this; I have great milk supply, I felt almost 100% back to normal by 2 weeks, no postpartum depression (not even close, emotionally I feel on top of the world), and I only bled for 3 weeks. I drank all of my placenta in 2 weeks as opposed to 3 months with Holden, so I think the proof is in the pudding. I had a great recovery with Holden, and an even better one with Waylon, and I really believe some of that has to do with consuming my placenta faster. If you are interested in this process, please message me and throw all your questions my way. I’m happy to share the placenta smoothie joy!

4. Nursing Tanks/bras:

If you want to breastfeed you have to have nursing tanks, and nursing bras. I love my Medela slimming nursing tank. It has a smoothing effect, so its great to wear under clothing and allegedly helps the uterus return back to size.

I’m also newly obsessed with my Ollie Gray nursing bras. They’re so pretty, comfortable, and have great support. The bras I wore to death during postpartum are nothing compared to these bras. I want them in every print and color! They are a little bit pricey, but so worth it since they function as nursing, pumping, and sports bras.

5. Breast Pump:

Like I said, basics… I can’t live without my pump. I love my Medela, and now that I’m back at work use it everyday. I started pumping for Waylon around 3 weeks postpartum and have a stash of over 100oz built up already. I have a few blogs about pumping linked here:

6. Nipple cream:

I love my Yorba nipple cream, but they have been continuously sold out on their website and on Amazon. I’ve tried almost every other nipple cream and honestly can’t tell that much of a difference. I love Motherlove and Earth Mama. They both use all natural ingredients and are safe for baby, so I use them both interchangeably. I have one in my diaper bag, and one on my night stand, but I really only used them for the first two weeks. After that breastfeeding has become completely painless, but is a without a doubt a must have for those first few weeks.

7. Baby Wrap:

My sweet, precious, little Waylon became a monster every night for the first 6 weeks due to some frustrating colic. One of the few things that soothes him is baby wearing and bouncing on my birth ball, often while baby wearing him. I’m obsessed with my Solly baby wrap. I use it everyday whether I’m shopping, doing dishes, on a walk, or just trying to soothe him. I love baby wearing, so I have rings slings, an ergo, but my Solly wrap is my favorite. I’m currently waiting for fall colors to be restocked so I can grab another.

Baby wearing is also great for bonding. If you’re struggling to bond, or feeling down, take of your shirt and wear your baby skin to skin around the house. I do this when I come home from work now to connect us when I am gone all day. Baby wrapping is not always easy to get the hang of, but Solly has tutorials you can watch here! Wrapping supports the natural curve of their little spines and gives them the comfortable feeling of being in the womb. It lets them be close enough to feel your breathing and hear your heart beat. Wrapping is a wonderful part of postpartum.

8. Pads/ Padsicles/ Mesh Panties:

If you have a hospital birth you will also be sent home with a bunch of goodies: the peri bottle, massive pads, maybe some Dermoblast, and cleansing wipes. Get as many extra pairs of mesh hospital panties as possible! They are so comfortable and my absolute favorite. I’d recommend some more reasonably sized pads once your bleeding tapers down too! There is no need to go buy all of that stuff because the hospital should have everything there to give you. If not-ASK! I also love to make a few to make padsicles, which are super helpful for healing too.

You can make these easily, and they are super helpful for healing. I’d wear one or two a day, for about 15 minuets, for the first few days. Wearing an ice pack in your panties is not the most comfortable feeling in the world, but it is not in vain.

You will need:

Since you will be putting this on your healing vagina it is best to use unscented and dye free products. Artificial dye and scents can throw off your pH and the last thing you want during postpartum healing is a yeast infection. I also prefer the over night maxi pads for since you will be adding each product to the pad. If you try to put everything on a thin light pad it may leak. Spread a liberal amount of aloe vera, a tablespoon of witch hazel and a few drops of lavender around the pad. Simply refold them and stash them in the freezer.

I hope this list is helpful and healing for you mommas! The 4th trimester is no joke, but if you take care of yourself it makes it a heck of a lot easier!


  1. Betty Mcgarvey

    August 14, 2018 at 12:56 am

    So well done. You are a great writer Alexa. So happy for you. Love you

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