Easter Basket Ideas for Babies and Toddlers

Easter is right around the corner. I don’t know about you, but I love to do all the festive things with my son no matter how little and unaware of the holiday he may be. As Easter approaches I’m excited to fill up a basket full of goodies whether he cares about it or not. It is fun for me to do as a mom, so I figure why not?

Last year at Easter he was almost 6 months old. Holden felt big to me then, but I still had very much a baby. This year he will be around 17 months and  is on the cusp of getting to really enjoy toddler toys. It will quickly be time for warmer weather and I anticipate a lot of outdoor playing and new activities to try this spring and summer, so I tried to think of that as I shopped for items to fill his basket with.

I put together a list of fun, and mostly cheap ideas to fill your Easter baskets with. This may be an example of something that is more for moms enjoyment, but I’m ok with that! I love any excuse to celebrate holidays and with kids they’re that much more fun!


Books are a perfect gift for any occasion. Board books tend to not be too expensive; plus I am a firm believer that one cannot have too many books. Last year, I put a family favorite in our house, Pat the Bunny in Holden’s basket. Pat the Bunny is now in tatters from such frequent use, but it was well loved by him and I as babies, so it was perfect. I have a feeling I will be buying more copies of Pat the Bunny in the future for the next little guy.

This year I am putting The Tale of Peter Rabbit in his basket because it’s a classic and I love Beatrix Potter things. Holden has started to develop firm opinions about books, so I’m hopping this one will be a hit. I got another book with bunny characters, Guess How Much I Love You, for Holden for Valentine’s Day. He hasn’t been interested and shuts it only two pages in. We will keep trying though in case he changes his mind.

Teethers/ Pacifiers:

This one is more for the smaller babes, but teethers are always a good, and useable idea. Last year I discovered The Teething Egg! Not only are they perfect for Easter, but they come in a variety of bright colors and Holden loved his! I often heard him rubbing his gums on it in while in his car seat. This item is more on the expensive side, but I stand by my purchase. Wubbanubs were a hit with Holden for sometime and they come with a lamb, bunny and a duck!


I could not wait to get little toddler treats to keep in my diaper bag once I introduced solids. I filled Holden’s basket with yogurt melts, puffs, and mum-mums to have on hand for when he could handle them. All of which were favorites for quite sometime. We also loved the Munchkin Mesh Feeders that are perfect for starting solids. This year, I’m not sure I’ll be putting many edible treats in his basket because I am sure he will have his fill of goodies at our family’s Easter celebration. But he loves cookies and sweets in general. I may also dye some hard boiled eggs with him to make a staple toddler food choice a bit more festive.


Bath Toys:

We love bath time in our house! I am so excited to be able to use these toys too! First, I found these chocolate bunny “rubber duckies” on Amazon that are too adorable. I know that these are a mold trap, but there are simple quick fixes for that! I also got these bath tub crayons by Munchkin from Target! I’m excited to let Holden use these and see what kind of masterpiece he will come up with.


Crafts are new to us as I’ve never really let Holden use crayons, or markers, but I figured now would be a good time to start. I love these melted crayons that come in different shapes. I’m hoping these will be easier for Holden to hold and fun for him to use. Every time I’m in the school supply/ craft section at Target I see neat things that I’d love to buy, so I’d recommend searching that isle if you need some more ideas, or the dollar section! I am also considering adding coloring books, puzzles, or stickers to see how Holden will like them.

Outdoor activities:

I love these Easter egg shaped packs of chalk that also come in an egg carton. Again, Holden hasn’t ever used chalk before, but I’m hoping he will enjoy it this summer. Other good items would be things like bubbles, balls, and summer hats/sunglasses/summer shoes.

Stuffed animals:

Around Easter time stores are filled with bunnies, chickens, and ducks that are an easy filler for Easter baskets.

Happy Easter!!